The Complete Interview List


1 - Tell us how your project(s) were started.

Andy (guitarist) and I started 46 SHORT out of the ashes of another band ($am's Laff) that died in 1996.


2 - What does music, in it's entirety, mean to you?

Music has always been something that has stirred emotions in me...made me feel human. It has also acted as a bookmark for certain stages in my life.


3 - What does art, in it's entirety, mean to you?

I generally separate "Art" and "Music." I am very much inspired by visual art. It seems so much more dangerous and raw because most of it is not very commercially viable (unlike most of today's music.)


4 - Who is your favorite author, and why?

John Steinbeck is my favorite author. It started when my sister lived in Monterey and I read Cannery Row. Then it just progressed to Tortilla Flat and then to Of Mice and Men, etc. The characters and imagery are amazing.


5 - As your best friend, describe yourself.

Conscientious and hard-working.


6 - As your worst enemy, describe yourself.

A demanding asshole with no sense of human emotion.



7 - If your persona were immortalized as a cartoon character, who would it be?

Spongebob Squarepants..


8 - Do you think there are conspiracies against the "everyday person"?

Absolutely. There is a lot of truth in the old saying: "The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer."


9 - What do you do with your spare or free time?

Read, surf, and camp in Mexico.


10 - Please give us your interpretation of "the meaning of life".

I don't know...some days it seems so clear to me and other times I'm waking up wondering why I'm so hungover again.





46 Short

Go Kart Records