The Complete Interview List


1 - Tell us how your project(s) were started.

Jon (drum) and Nick (guitar) were playing some music-theory-heavy music with a friend of mine from my music theory class. Eventually the friend couldn't play bass for them anymore and so I got asked to. Later Nick and Roger started a band called Malone Dies and asked me to play bass. We then got Jon back on drums. Roger left for school in Boston and Malone Dies slowly fell apart. Later Nick and I (William/keyboards/bass) started a project with John Carter from Sioux City. He eventually had to return there. Nick and I had some songs that we didn't want to go to waste, so we got Jon to come play drums with us and changed our name to Witchcraft by a Picture.
This is where I first started playing keyboards. Eventually we added Jacob on bass full time and Camden as our light man/eye candy.


2 - What does music, in it's entirety, mean to you?

Music means expression to me. It's as expressive (if not more so) than any spoken/written language. It can mean or say anything.


3 - What does art, in it's entirety, mean to you?

Music and art have always been synonymous to me. I don't see any reason to distinguish between the two. Music should be affect all sense as should visual art/dance/performance art/writing, etc.


4 - Who is your favorite author, and why?

Orwell because of his vision and tastefully restricted descriptions of any and everything.


5 - As your best friend, describe yourself.

You're interesting, fairly responsible, fairly intelligent, secure, and moderately creative and driven.


6 - As your worst enemy, describe yourself.

You're inconsiderate, distant, insecure, and that mustache is really ugly.



7 - If you were immortalized as a cartoon character, who would it be?

I'd probably be Ted Johnson from the Red Meat comic strip. At least that's where I picture myself in 25 years. Happily married, insanely quirky,
willing to expirement with garage substances, and hanging out with my pensive 7 year old son.



8 - Do you think there are conspiracies against the "everyday person"?

Less conspiracies then policies. The "everyday person" is basically getting clusterfucked on a daily basis by everyone, including himself. The world is just set up to exploit and manipulate the masses so as to retain order. If the majority of people were forced to think individually and took action
from what they decided then the world would grind to a halt.


9 - What do you do with your spare or free time?

Well, I don't attend school and I'm unemployed so my whole life is pretty much spare time at the moment. I usually walk/bike around Raleigh, complain about how boring Raleigh is, talk to friends, scam the local grocery store, read a little, work on the computer, work on music projects, etc.


10 - Please give us your interpretation of "the meaning of life".

The meaning of life for me is to get as much accomplished as possible through any means necessary. I'd just like to get to the end of it and say "well, that was productive, look at everything I've made". That would give me the greatest satisfaction of all, to have gotten everything out.
Physical pleasure should be as prominent as possible at all times without getting in the way as well. You've only got one shot to get as much as you can out of this one set of molecules/cells, your body.




Witchcraft By A Picture